
The video methods and techniques presented here provide innovative ways to approach learning, they give participants the chance to get more involved and increase the effectiveness of the educational process.
They can be used both in person and at distance and include ways to improve the production of video content for education and training, use Participatory Video in group work and support people in using video to prepare a CV or improve employability skills.

How to videos
practical curriculums
techniques for the use of video
practical tips
methodology review


Our Methods

A set of exercises, tips, and theories on using video both as created by the facilitated group and by the educator.


Participatory video is primarily a tool of change, empowerment and building group solidarity based on the use of audiovisual technique.


A video cv can be an attractive way to apply for a job, but in the educational process it can also allow you to develop skills in collaboration, assessing your own abilities and controlling stress. For educators working with groups, it can also be a way to deepen reflection on group roles.


Stop-motion or animation using web applications allows for creative forms of expression, is simple and engaging. It’s a good way to work across generations, learn about new technologies and work as a team.



A methodology review containing a description of six techniques of using video in education and many examples of their application in practice.


Practical tips for making videos of various meetings, workshops and other educational forms.



Comment on our material in the methods tabs. Share ideas on how you use video in education.
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